Immigration Canada Announces A Priority Occupations List for Federal Skilled Worker Program

Citizenship and Immigration Canada warned would-be applicants in a notice on March 1st that those who prepare their applications before the priority occupations list is published in April do so at their own risk
After months of speculation that the new Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) would not have a priority occupations list, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) has officially announced that the program will in fact have a priority occupations list when it starts taking applications on May 4th of this year.
CIC issued the notice on March 1st, and warned applicants who prepare their applications before the list is published that they do so at the risk that their occupation is not on that list and that their application will therefore not be accepted.
The notice also stated that three important facets of the new FSWP will be announced in April: the cap on the number of applications for the program that will be accepted this year, the composition of the priority occupations list, and the organizations that will be designated to conduct educational credential assessments.
please i want to know new 2013 skilled worker catagories,its not yet clear if Manitoba PNP programme going to demand application in which particular trades or catagories
i wish to recieve such list from u,tnx
I am a young Palestinian man and held me and my family in Syria and I would like to.
Emigrate to Canada, but circumstances do not allow us to go out to the Jordan Connie Palestinians, but I have to go to Lebanon in Syria in general and in the Palestinian camps is very painful. , And I am now without work, and I am married and have two children aged two and a half year old and the second to live in Syria is extremely difficult.
But it had bombed, as has happened in Daraa and the Yarmouk refugee camp.
I live now in Jaramana camp, which is one of the poorest Palestinian refugee camps in Syria, which was lower in the level of health services and sports social, cultural and I ازغب to immigrate to Canada and I dreamed this long ago by the events taking place in Syria and we Filstiniyon We can not to go back to our original Palestine
We got us out of Palestine and Syria now Egerjona of where to go.
These are some of the reality in which I live.
What I hope officials in this site to help me if they can do so. Because what is happening in Syria is much more than just the war, is the constant fear that acquired any person walking in the street, and the fear of random shooting, or a sniper or even bombing from aircraft or detention.
I want a better future for my children from this situation because the Syrian crisis will not be solved fifty years ago.
Please consider objectively, helped us get out of this tragic situation, because we no longer have the stamina
And thank you
Please reply
the great Canada is going to deliver new chances to foreigners in 2013 ( may be may will clear the picture who will be gained the best gainful future in Canada)
let’s communicate what happens in future