At CICS Immigration, we strive to keep our standards high. We take pride in the quality of our work and we know that a successful business must have a successful service/product.
In one day, we may receive over 60 emails. Emails are ranked based on their urgency. For example, an email from a client who has a deadline approaching, will most likely receive a quicker respond than someone whose matter is not as urgent. We usually attempt to respond to these emails within 2-3 days of when we have read them. This means that emails sent on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and on holidays, will be seen on the following business day.
Because not everyone is fluent in Farsi at our office, emails that are written in Farsi can only be responded to by certain members of our team and this could mean that they might receive a slower response.
It is also important to note that some emails are wrongfully sent to the spam folder. In case you do not receive a response to your email within 3 days, we appreciate if you contact us (another email account or phone call) to make sure that the email has been received. We also appreciate if our dear clients would acknowledge the receipt of our emails.
Sometimes, our clients ask us why we have not contacted them about their immigration process. The reason is because in immigration applications, there are usually long waiting times, which can take between 6 months to 3 years. This is when the application is in line, waiting to be processed. So unless there is a need for us to contact our clients, we wait until there is an update in the application.
One last note that we’d appreciate if our clients would know, is that the immigration office does not take phone calls. They only respond to emails and not to all emails. They do not like receiving too many emails about an application as they are quite busy as well.
If you have any other questions or concerns about our processes, please ask.